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Sexual Misconduct Process

Sexual Misconduct Responders Information

  1. Report an Assault


    Mount Union encourages you to file a report about the incident. 通过向第九条协调员和联盟警察局提供信息, 你也许能够防止未来对自己和他人的攻击. 尽快报告是至关重要的,特别是如果这是一个陌生人的袭击. 陌生人袭击对你和社区的潜在危险更高. Reporting is not the same as prosecuting. 而调查和指控将不在你的控制之下, 你将有机会表达你对起诉的意愿. 

    In order to report to the police, 你可以打电话给警察局,他们会给你录口供. If you would rather not have the officer, come to where you are, you can also go to the police department to make your report. If you go to the hospital for an examination, 医院工作人员会联系警方,你可以在那里报案.

    Important Contacts

    Alliance Police Department – 470 E. Market | 911 or (330) 821-3131

    Chief Diversity Officer & Senior Title IX Administrator
    Mark Black – (330) 829-4904

    Associate Diversity Officer and Title IX Co-Coordinator
    Andrew Boothe – (330) 829-6500

    Associate Dean of Students and Title IX Co-Coordinator
    Michelle Gaffney – (330) 823-2243

  2. Medical Care


    在性侵犯或性侵犯未遂后尽快接受医疗护理极为重要,原因有二. 首先,你可能遭受了你不知道或无法确定的伤害. Testing, treatment, 可能还需要有关性传播疾病或怀孕的信息. 

    Secondly, 如果你认为你有可能希望起诉罪犯, 为收集证据而进行的医疗/法律检查至关重要. Having evidence collected does not mean prosecution. 法医证据将被保存,直到调查结束. 虽然可以从几个地点获得某些医疗援助, 联盟社区医院是当地唯一可以为法律目的收集和保护医学和法医评估所需证据的地方.

    Important Contacts

    Alliance Community Hospital – 200 E. State St.  | (330) 596-6000

    Mount Union Health Center – (330) 823-2692

    Alliance Health Department – 537 E. Market | (330) 821-7373

    Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio – 2663 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton | (330) 456-7191

    Alliance Pregnancy Center – 75 Glamorgan Ave. | (330) 821-7283

  3. Counseling Services


    It is important for you to speak to a counselor, not because there is something wrong with you, but because you have been hurt. 找一个能倾听并帮助你理清情绪的人,是重新掌控自己生活的重要一步.  

    你可以通过联盟强奸危机热线获得咨询, which is sponsored by COMPASS, Inc. 他们的咨询服务是免费的,如果有必要,可以是长期的. There are also support groups available through Rape Crisis.  

    Mount Union咨询服务也是您获得保密帮助的绝佳途径. 咨询服务有咨询师,他们可以与你交谈,并在你的情绪愈合过程中帮助你. Campus counselors meet with students for a limited number of sessions; however, if further counseling is needed, they will help you get additional assistance. 

    Important Contacts

    Alcohol, Drug and Wellness Education – (330)-829-6660

    Alliance Rape Crisis Center – (330) 452-1111

    Counseling Services – (330) 823-2886

    Mount Union Chaplain's Office​ – (330) 823-2838

  4. Sexual Misconduct Responder


    性行为不端响应者是威尼斯人app下载威尼斯人app下载,他们接受过培训,可以帮助你了解你的选择. 他们不会为你做决定,但会为你提供你自己做决定所需的知识. 您呼叫的应答者要么来找您,要么安排与您见面. The choice is yours. The Responder will assist you as you address counseling, medical, and legal issues, and help you with any other concerns you may have.

    Sexual Misconduct Responders List

  5. Sexual Assault Victim


    请记住,无论如何,没有人应该被侵犯! 每个人都有权利保证安全,控制自己身体的变化. 当有人强迫你进行你不想要的性接触时,他们错了.

    通常当人们听到性侵犯时,他们会自动想到强奸. 然而,性侵犯是在侵犯和侵犯的连续过程中发生的. 如果没有得到允许,或者个人不想从事性活动,或者被欺骗, coerced, or pressured into the behavior, it is sexual assault. 当一个人由于酒精或毒品的影响而无法给予同意时发生的性行为也是性侵犯.

    在从性侵犯中恢复的过程中,你会做出很多决定. 威尼斯人app下载提供的服务可以帮助你完成这个过程. This website describes some of the options available to you.

  6. Contact a Sexual Misconduct Responder


    By contacting a Responder, 你可以获得宝贵的帮助和信息,帮助你做出许多决定. 在这段充满挑战的时期,你也会有人支持你. 回复者会给你书面材料,解释你的许多选择. 

    重要的是要注意,如果你与响应者交谈,根据学校政策和法律,他/她必须向警方和学生主任办公室报告袭击事件. 这份报告并不意味着你必须发表声明或起诉, just that the police will be informed of what happened. 如果你不愿意做陈述,你需要直接告诉警方. 请注意,您将无法控制法律调查的进展或结果, but that your wishes will be given serious consideration.

  7. Victim Support


    无论有没有回应者,你都需要做出一些决定. 请认真考虑向响应者或其他受过训练的性侵犯倡导者寻求帮助. 如果您决定在没有响应者帮助的情况下完成此过程, 本网站的其余部分集中在你从性侵犯中恢复期间需要解决的主要问题上. 

    Whether or not you contact a Responder, 强烈建议你拨打强奸危机热线, which is run by Community Services of Stark County. 热线的工作人员可以回答您的问题并提供支持, hospital advocacy, and counseling, as well as, 转介到长期治疗,并帮助解决健康和经济问题.